Case Study

Service: Integration

board - Sereviso

Technology: Board

Technology: SAP

SAP connector for Board

Integrate your SAP data into Board at the click of a button

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Ben Neesom

Ben Neesom - Sereviso CEO Contact

What is the Sereviso Datawarehouse?

The Sereviso Datawarehouse (DWH) is a standard set of fact tables (the data being analyzed) together with its corresponding dimensional information (the ways in which the data in the fact table can be analyzed. The DWH is deployed on top of the SAP environment and extracts the data 1:1 from the source system(s) as close to real time as possible. The Datawarehouse then transforms the raw data into a star schema, which in turn can be read easily by Board.


How does the Sereviso Datawarehouse work?

We apply an automated ETL process. We extract data directly from SAP tables, hierarchies or reports (Extract). We model and combine this data into one data source of facts and dimensions (Transform). Lastly, we load (Load) the data and distribute it in reporting views.

The DWH comprised 3 separate layers:

-Connector layer (holding the raw data which is extracted from the source system)

-DWH layer, holding the harmonised and enriched data

-The presentation layer, holding a view of the DWH layer, configured to the needs of Board


Our Modules:

The modules are automatically loaded at the click of a button (rapid deployment). The modules are based on years of experience:

-Finance (AR, AP, Cash, Accounting, COPA)

-Sales (Orders, Invoices,

-Inventory (current, historical, valuations)

-Purchasing (requisitions, orders)

-Production (BoM’s, ordres)




Who is it for?

It is intended to be used as single source of truth for the whole organization, however, can also be used as a tool to interface easily with other solutions, such as planning and consolidation. Hence, the solution offers high level information as well as detailed information down to a single invoice or journal. This fact sheet focused on the use case of connecting SAP with Board.


The benefits:

Deploying the Sereviso Datawarehouse ensures that the Board consultant:

-Has a presentation layer which is understandable (No need to understand SAP tables, the data is already presented in a way that he/she can understand)

-Has a presentation layer which is fast and as real time as possible (the Sereviso tables are already pre-indexed and auto scalable)

-Can focus on the value adding task of building the Board model, instead of extracting and transforming SAP data

“The team at Sereviso deployed their SAP Connector, we were able to get a full DataWarehouse loaded in a few days - Yves Dispas, Lonza”

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