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What is the Board Blueprint “SAP”?
The Board Blueprint “SAP” from Sereviso is a quick-starter solution built on Board technology. The blueprint allows, once connected to SAP, to immediately visualize SAP sourced data in a standard set of reports and dashboards.
The solution can easily be enriched with additional visualization objects based on the specific requirements of a company.
Next to the reporting environment, the blueprint offers as well Financial Planning and a comprehensive set of instruments to adapt Planning to specific needs.
The easiest way to connect the Board Blueprint to SAP is with our Board SAP Connector. Blueprint and Connector guarantee to get a ready-to-use solution within a couple of days.

How does the Board Blueprint “SAP” work?
The blueprint model is built on SAP specific entities (dimensions), their relations and the entities’ data points. The easiest way to connect to SAP is to combine the blueprint model with our Board SAP Connector. The connector converts SAP data and metadata into a Board-optimized output. Of course the connection can be set up as well with other connectors/ETL solutions.
Our standard model uses the SAP standard entities in standard objects like cubes, processes and views and visualizes SAP data in its user interface.
We apply an automated ETL process. We extract data directly from SAP tables, hierarchies or reports (Extract). We model and combine this data into one data source of facts and dimensions (Transform). Lastly, we load (Load) the data and distribute it in reporting views.
The DWH comprised 3 separate layers:
-Connector layer (holding the raw data which is extracted from the source system)
-DWH layer, holding the harmonised and enriched data
-The presentation layer, holding a view of the DWH layer, configured to the needs of Board
Content of the blueprint:
The blueprint includes reporting and planning modules which are common for most industries and hence can be standardized to a high degree. All modules can be customized and additional modules can be added as required (valid for Planning, Business Intelligence and as well for Legal Consolidation).
– Gross Margin
The goal of the blueprint is to have a quick and proven starting point to an integrated Corporate Performance Management solution for companies using SAP.

Who is it for?
The main audience of this blueprint model are companies using SAP and having the goal/need to do Planning, Business Intelligence and Analysis in a modern, integrated Corporate Performance Management solution.
This blueprint connects of course as well nicely to other ERPs or in general other data sources.
The model is optimized for SAP.
The benefits:
The blueprint model ensures to get a proven state-of-the-art Corporate Performance Management solution within very short time and at no risk.
The user interface is built for high user acceptance and ease of use.
As blueprints are never the final solution our model can be easily extended by further customization.
The model delivers a base Reporting and Planning set at 80% lower costs and implementation time compared to a greenfield approach to get to content of the blueprint.